The Pollution Research Group maintains a modernized Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory with specialized equipment for conducting experiments in wastewater and sanitation. The laboratory is mainly used to investigate human excreta and sewage from the perspective of obtaining design and process data for on-site, decentralised and conventional wastewater treatment facilities. Major sources of funding are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, eThekwini Water and Sanitation, the South African Water Research Commission and Sasol. Specific funding streams are available for health and safety activities.
The Laboratory is classified as a Biohazard-Level 2, which means that hazardous biological agents may be present that may cause human disease and be a hazard to exposed persons, but which is unlikely to spread to the community and for which effective prophylaxis and/or treatment is available. The Laboratory Manager regularly attends occupational health and safety courses and exercises strict control of all activities in the laboratory. Ethics approval is obtained for investigations involving excreta and human subjects. In addition, Standard Operating Procedures are employed, and all new staff and students are trained regarding use of equipment, safe handling of samples, and personal safety.
All students and researchers are required to undertake risk assessments prior to conducting experimental or site work. The relevant information and templates are provided below. | |  |