
Sanitation Indaba 2015

by Susan Mercer | Aug 29, 2016

The Minister of Water and Sanitation at Newlands Mashu 
  A Sanitation Indaba was held on the 14th and 15th May 2015 in Durban to discuss the way forward for sanitation in South Africa. EWS and the PRG, together with other research groups within UKZN showcased the work being carried out in the sanitation field through the use of posters and booklets. A site visit to the Newlands Mashu Research Facility was also be undertaken - a site that has been developed by a number of partners (EWS, South African Water Research Commission (WRC), Bremen Overseas Research Organisation (BORDA) and UKZN) to enable the piloting of on-site wastewater treatment systems and agricultural research. The PRG’s involvement in the Indaba also allowed postgraduate students the opportunity to be involved in the exhibitions and site visits that were held.

The outcomes of the Indaba were covered by the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Ms. Nomvula Mokonyane, during her Budget Vote of the Department of Water and Sanitation at the National Assembly on the 21st of May 2015 in Parliament. This speech covered plans for the management of water resources by government as well as plans for delivery of sanitation services. Lungi Zuma (an engineer with EWS and a MScEng graduate from PRG) was also invited to give a presentation at this meeting.

>>Click to view the press release
Lungi Zuma's presentation

Chris and Susan at the PRG - EWS stand