
South Africa hosts standards generation meeting

by Susan Mercer | Jul 02, 2017

South Africa, through the SABS is hosting the development of an international standard for innovative off the grid sanitation technologies and systems. Formed in May 2016, ISO PC 305 is dedicated to the development of an international non-sewered sanitation systems standard. In an effort toward that goal, an International Workshop Agreement (IWA) was published in September, 2016, serving as the basis for the development of the new international standard. The standard will be applicable to individual and community sanitation systems that are self-contained, meet defined discharge requirements, and aim for sustainability.

The meeting is attending by several national and international standards bodies, and represented experts on the subject. The standard development aligns to SABS/TC 224: Service activities relating to drinking water supply system and wastewater systems - Quality criteria of the service and performance indicators committee, as well as aligns to the Minister of Water and Sanitation’s clarion call to develop new innovative sanitation solutions that was ‘not all about flushing’. The South Africa team supporting the SABS is from the Water Research Commission and the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

This important standard will advance the development of high quality and durable products, but also protect consumers and users.