K8/l 085/16: Sanitation Innovation Challenge: Consolidation of San IC Reviews

K8/l 085/16: Sanitation Innovation Challenge: Consolidation of San IC Reviews

Funded by: Water Research Commission

November 2014 to March 2015

Partner Organisations: None

Project Description:

The Sanitation Innovation Challenge was directed by the Department of Water and Sanitation. The WRC was appointed as the implementing agent for the Challenge. The aim of the challenge is to bridge the knowledge gap on the functionality of novel sanitation solutions, and the appraisal of the design quality and functionality of these solutions. The outcomes of the evaluations will be used to provide recommendations to national and local government on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the assessed technologies.

The first step of SanlC was the technical assessment of sanitation technologies by international experts. These experts provided a critical assessment on the functionality and practically of the proposed solutions. Each technology was assessed at least three times with around 5 technologies selected for review. On completion of these reviews, there was the need to collate and compile these technical assessments into a report entitled, "SanlC Draft Report: A Technical Assessment of Sanitation Technologies". This Draft Report was complemented by a one page summary brief of the major findings which would be used to brief Minister Nomvula Mokonyane.

Project Goal: A critical assessment of novel Sanitation Technologies

Main aims: To provide an overview of novel sanitation technologies for demonstration in South Africa based on a technical review by international experts

Additional aims: To provide a one-page summary for the Minister of Water and Sanitation