Cost implications

Cost implications:

Note that as our resources are limited, priority will be given to our main funders.

For research related to faecal sludge management the following applies:

In terms of a Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, costs that are covered until the end of October 2017 include (after this time, support will be provided at full cost recovery):
  • PRG staff time (i.e. labour costs) to undertake analyses, train researchers, undertake modifications to equipment, and consult on FS aspects
  • Capital cost of some equipment
  • PRG staff time to apply for necessary import/export permits, preparation of contracts and application for ethical clearance (as required)
  • Hosting of visitors to PRG (researchers, post grad students etc.)
            o Office space, lan, photocopiers (access only)
            o Laboratory and pilot area space and services
            o Admin assistance
            o Workshop assistance

Costs that the researcher requesting assistance needs to pay for:
  • Laboratory consumables and chemicals for the requested analyses at discounted rates until end October 2017 (see laboratory costing sheet)
  •  Out of Durban travel and subsistence costs of the PRG staff (air travel, car hire, accommodation, meals etc.)
  • Workshop consumables for equipment building / modification etc.
  • Any additional labour requirements over and above the PRG staff (i.e. if additional staff is hired to assist in undertaking the analyses)

Click here to download the Laboratory Analysis Cost Sheet.

For all other research:

For research not related to faecal sludge management, the PRG will provide a break-down of the costs based on the specific requirements.