Cross-cutting Research

The PRG conducts a number of projects in partnership with various donors and collaborating organisations and covers a cross-section of disciplines.

The PRG is considered a Centre of Expertise by the WRC and is working on a number of research projects funded by the WRC, including the (K5/2579) Performance assessment of DEWATS constructed wetlands; (K5/2582) - Drying and pasteurization of faecal sludge using thermal energy; and (K5/1122) A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) for the provision of potable water from alternative sources (seawater, wastewater and mining water) in South Africa.

The Group is also a recipient of various Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) grants to undertake research into sanitation in the developing country content. Through this funding, the PRG are able to offer laboratory and field support to other sanitation practitioners at a discounted rate until the end of October 2017.

The PRG also signed a third Memorandum of Agreement with the eThekwini Water and Sanitation (EWS) to provide research support to their unit (from January 2016 to December 2018)

Other sources of funding for projects include Sasol, and the Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Association (PAMSA).

The PRG also provides research input to a number of external projects on a collaborative basis and works closely with other Schools within the University through co-supervision of Masters students. This includes: